Macrodosing Psilocybin

“Don’t be afraid to go it alone”

Consider psilocybin shortcuts to deep mediative states. Therapy sessions all through the optimistic lens of serotonin. 
What tends to have most people pull back in fear is a dose large enough to make them think about all their past traumas. One that forces them to think about all they repress. I can assure you, that’s not exactly how it works. 

An example given from the documentary “Explained” works well here. When we remember a past trauma, we are firing along the same neuronal pathway each time. The more we remember that experience, the further reinforced that neuronal pathway becomes. It’s as if you were riding a sled down a snowy hill, over and over again. That same path becomes further engrained into the snow. Imagine psilocybin to be that fresh snowfall that covers that pathway and allows the sled to travel in new directions. 

This analogy highlights how psilocybin is opening up new neuronal pathways, firing to places in the brain in which it has never travelled before. Here, we can now perceive those same traumas from a new and better perspective. We are no longer stuck in that old way of thinking. That is what psilocybin does. It opens your mind to new perspective. You are now able to view past traumas through a new lens of optimism and empathy towards oneself. 

 That initial dosing can be scary at first, but in my experience, that is the ego telling us to avoid imminent danger. There is no danger and damage that occurs, only integration of all parts within the psyche.

We do not want “ego death” as the ego is what puts food in my mouth and not the person sitting across from me. What we don’t want, is the ego to become extremely inflated where all we see is the world, through a lens of greed, money, consumption and sexual release. 

Learning about your past experiences and traumas should not be viewed as work, but rather, your duty. It is the only way to live a life free from suffering. 

The scariest thing in life is not death. It's those moments leading up to death, filled with regret as we take all that we have repressed with us. If not now, then when? 

Now what about bad trips?

It's important to remember that psilocybin is like a job. This one job is not specifically meant for everyone. It will typically find you. 
When diving into some of the research on psychedelic therapy, we are beginning to see its vast role in neuroplasticity, neurogenesis and the growth of new neuronal connections within the brain. Psilocybin has been shown to increase grey matter as well decreased activity in the default mode network in the brain. (An increase in the default mode network is correlated with depression). 

We can see that (especially for those who are long time users) psilocybin is a short cut into deeper meditative states by grounding us in the current moment. However, like all short-cuts they can come with a bit more of a risk. 

Now, to be fair, a bad trip tends to be all that we deny and resist within ourselves. A fight against our deeper intuitive mind. You are ingesting a plant that brings us back into our body, and into this the current moment. At this point, we may be face to face with much that we repress. Not to fear as here, we have a choice; to embrace and accept the flooding of serotonin and go along for the ride or to fight it and resist. 

This is where  "bad trips" come from, resistance.

"Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet." 

If we are expecting to take this vegetable teacher at a party, or simply, to "get fucked up" then you will most likely have a bad trip. Your setting, mindset and intention are all extremely important in your psychedelic journey as it is a must to respect the plant and its teachings. Ensure you are feeling ready and able. Ensure you have an intention and that you are absolutely in a safe space. If it is your first time, be sure to have a trusted individual close by to help keep you grounded if needed. 

Start with a lower dose. 

We will take the path of least resistance. To flow with the stream of water, down deeper states of consciousness as we now unlock a more profound state of being. Remember to trust yourself and your perceptions as they've always been true. 


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